BA Theatre
Designed for students who wish to study more than one area of theater. The theatre program allows you to develop a course of study that is particular to your interests and pursuits while offering flexibility. The program is ideal for students who are passionate about theatre, passionate about storytelling and want to pursue every aspect of the art form rather than having the singular focus of the BFA programs.
The mission of the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre is to prepare students to use their theatre studies in careers that impact community, to seek advanced study in graduate programs and/or to apply their liberal arts/theatre studies to the career of their choice. The program does this by providing a well-rounded educational experience encompassing scholarly, creative and applied theatre opportunities. The BA in Theatre prepares students to engage with and collaborate in community locally, nationally and/or internationally.
We Pursue Excellence
The theatre practitioner must exhibit not only technical competence, but also broad knowledge of theatre, sensitivity to artistic style, and an insight into the role of theatre in the life of humankind. In pursuit of this goal, students take classes in performance, design and production, theatre history and literature and theatre as community engagement. The program offers tremendous flexibility and diversity and would be the program of choice for students who are considering a double major.

We Practice
Students who seek to earn a BA in theatre, have opportunities for involvement beyond the classroom with theatrical groups such as Upstage, the student initiated theatre group; Alpha Psi Omega, the national theater honor society; and community-based courses and outreach. Students also have the opportunity work in a variety of other positions on departmental productions, including Stage Manager, Assistant Director, Designer, Actor and dozens of other production roles.
We Create Fun
Production opportunities abound for the committed student pursuing a B.A. degree. Work with faculty, guest artists and your peers in all production positions for the main stage season. Additional opportunities exist with Dance Company, Second Stage Productions, community engagement.
Program Admission
No audition is necessary to enter the B.A. program. We seek engaged, intellectually curious and entrepreneurial students who want to study theatre as a complete art form. In order to be considered for the Visual and Performing Arts scholarship, you must interview with the recruitment director and/or audition. Please contact our student recruitment coordinator to schedule an interview.